How Many Babies Are Borns Garden Snakes Have at a Time

Garter Snake Facts

A common garter snake in the leaves.
Information technology's no secret that snakes shed their peel. Here, a common garter snake mugs for the camera. (Image credit: David Duneau)

Garter snakes are among the most mutual snakes in North America, with a range spanning from Canada to Florida. Often kept as pets, they are relatively harmless, although some species do possess a mild neurotoxic venom. Notwithstanding, it is not dangerous to humans.

Where did the garter snake go its funny name? According to Doug Wechsler, a wild fauna biologist at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel Academy in Philadelphia and author of "Garter Snakes" (Powerkids, 2001), their stripes resemble garters men used to wear to hold upward their socks. Some other theory is that it is a corruption of the German word for "garden." Garter snakes are sometimes erroneously called "garden snakes."

Physical characteristics

Garter snakes come in a broad diverseness of colors depending on the species, merely "well-nigh have 3 longitudinal stripes — one in the center of the back and i on each lower side of the trunk," according to herpetologist Jeff Beane, collections manager of amphibians and reptiles at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences. "In most species, the stripes are yellow or dark-green, just this varies with species and region."

Some garter snakes have intricate splotchy patterns betwixt their stripes, making them look checky. And their appearance actually does depend on the species — Beane pointed out that some garter snakes are "virtually stripeless."

Garter snakes are relatively small, usually between 23 and thirty inches (58 and 76 centimeters), though sometimes growing as long as five feet (1.5 meters). Beane described them as "slender to moderately stout-bodied ... [with scales that are] obviously keeled," meaning they accept a ridge down the center. He added that many species of garter snakes have 2-colored tongues.

These non-venomous snakes are the well-nigh mutual reptile in Wyoming's Yellowstone National Park. They live near water and eat small rodents also as tadpoles, snails and leeches. (Paradigm credit: U.S. Fish and Wild fauna Service)


Beane described garter snakes equally "generalists, inhabiting a wide variety of habitats." They live in woodlands, meadows and grassy knolls and like to exist near h2o, particularly "in the arid parts of the Due west," Beane said.

The mutual garter serpent occurs throughout North America, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean and into southern Canada, according to the Virtual Nature Trail at Pennsylvania State University New Kensington.

The garter ophidian is abundant in the eastern Us; it is the state reptile of Massachusetts.While no snakes are known to be native of Alaska, a road-killed specimen of a garter serpent was found almost Haines, Alaska, in 2005, according to an article in the Periodical of Herpetology. Researchers who identified the snake through mitochondrial Dna concluded that the single snake represented a relict, or remnant, population, a contempo natural colonization or a fresh introduction.


Garter snakes are generally active during the twenty-four hours. Beane described them as "relatively fast-moving [and] highly terrestrial, merely [some] may climb into shrubs or vines; some species climb more others." Wildscreen's ARKive Initiative pointed out that some species are also excellent swimmers.

When threatened, garter snakes requite off a bad-smelling musk. Because of their minor size, garter snakes have many predators, including hawks, crows, bears, bullfrogs, snapping turtles, foxes, squirrels and raccoons, according to the Creature Diverseness Web (ADW), a database maintained by the University of Michigan's Museum of Zoology.

Cold-climate garter snakes hibernate during the winter. They hibernate in dens in big groups, with hundreds of garter snakes sometimes found together (and sometimes other snake species, according to Beane). According to the Virtual Nature Trail, one den in Canada was the hibernation spot of more than eight,000 snakes. Garter snakes volition travel long distances to a communal den for hibernation, according to the ADW.


Beane said that garter snakes "feed by and large on fishes, amphibians, and earthworms; other casualty are occasionally taken." The snakes immobilize their casualty with their sharp teeth and quick reflexes. The saliva of some species contains a  mild neurotoxin that causes paralysis, making small prey easier to swallow. Like other snakes, garter snakes swallow their food whole, according to the ADW. Beane said "some larger casualty may be dragged and chewed until killed past trauma."


While most species are classified as harmless (non-venomous), their bite can cause minor swelling or itching in humans, and anyone bitten by a garter serpent should clean the bite thoroughly. It is not ultimately a crusade for concern. Allergic reactions to the saliva take been known, merely cases are extremely rare, according to the ADW.


According to Beane, the best situations for mating are "when they emerge [from hibernation] in the spring and also when they besiege again in fall ... because they are already gathered together for hibernation and practise non have to waste free energy seeking mates." But for garter snakes in more than temperate areas where they don't hibernate, the snakes rely on pheromones.

Female garter snakes give off pheromones to concenter males. Dozens of males volition come up to one female, which is why homeowners sometimes remember garter snakes are overrunning their neighborhoods. According to the biology department at Reed College, this mass of mating snakes is called a "mating ball."

Some males use trickery to confuse their contest, co-ordinate to Reed College. They will secrete female pheromones to lure other males toward them rather than to the female person. Afterward the other males are away from the mating ball, the males posing as females will dart back to the female to effort to mate. [Related: Estrogen Turns Male Snakes Into Aforementioned-Sexual practice Charmers]

Garter snakes are ovoviviparous, pregnant they acquit alive immature. After mating, females store sperm in their bodies until they want to fertilize their eggs. Garter snakes requite nascency to xx to forty live young at a time, though Beane pointed out that litter sizes can vary greatly. "As few equally v and as many as 101 take been reported," he said. Parent snakes do not treat their young.


There are 30 species of garter snakes and many more than subspecies, according to the Integrated Taxonomic Information System. The taxonomy of garter snakes is:

Kingdom: Animalia Subkingdom: Bilateria Infrakingdom: Deuterostomia Phylum: Chordata Subphylum: Vertebrata Infraphylum: Gnathostomata Superclass: Tetrapoda Class: Reptilia Order: Squamata Suborder: Serpentes Infraorder: Alethinophidia Family: Colubridae Subfamily: Natricinae Genus: Thamnophis

Species: xxx, including:

Thamnophis sirtalis (common garter snake): The common garter snake has the largest range, occurring in nearly of the continental United States with several subspecies, according to Beane. They are establish everywhere from Alaska to Florida, though they do not live in the Southwest. Common garter snakes usually accept three white, xanthous, blue, or greenish stripes running the lengths of their brown or olive bodies. Their heads are darker than their bodies.

Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis (Eastern garter snake): This subspecies of mutual garter snake is typical throughout the eastern United States. Though its torso color may vary from chocolate-brown to green, it almost always has three xanthous stripes on its back, according to the Savannah River Environmental Laboratory. Sometimes its body is splotchy, giving it a checked appearance. Eastern garter snakes in Georgia and Florida sometimes accept bluish coloring.

Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis (reddish-sided garter snake): This California subspecies of common garter snake can be stunning. Blue or yellow stripes popular against the dark olive or black body, and ruddy bars line the sides of the body. The ruby-sided garter serpent has a ruby-red or orangish head and a blue underside. North of the San Francisco Bay Area, the underside is sometimes a vivid vivid blue. Its eyes are larger than other garter serpent species. Co-ordinate to California Herps, information technology is able to swallow Pacific newts, which are poisonous to other predators.

Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia (San Francisco garter snake):Co-ordinate to California Herps, this San Francisco peninsula snake has a red head, big optics, and wide, blueish-green, blackness, and red stripes. Its underside is blue-green. Like the blood-red-sided garter snake, it eats Pacific newts.

Thamnophis marcianus (Checkered garter snake): This minor, southwestern serpent has a dark checkered pattern over its entire body, plus three thin light-colored stripes, co-ordinate to Herps of Texas. It is rarely longer than 2 feet.

Thamnophis sirtalis annectens (Texas garter snake): This common garter snake subspecies primarily resides in the Lone Star State, though according to Wild animals Northward America, there is a population in Kansas. It has a nighttime colored back with a brilliant cherry-red stripe downwards its center and two light-colored stripes on its sides.

Conservation status

The International Wedlock for the Conservation of Nature's Red Listing of Threatened Species lists common garter snakes equally "least concern" for threat of extinction, noting their broad range and population size, estimated to exist more 1 million adults in the wild.

The U.South. Fish and Wildlife Service lists the San Francisco garter serpent is listed every bit "endangered" considering it is threatened by habitat loss and over-collection.

Boosted resource

  • Canadian Geographic: Facts about the common garter snake
  • Animal Multifariousness Web: Thamnophis sirtalis
  • Virtual Nature Trail: Common garter snake


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