How to Put Baby on Tummy for Tummy Time

What is Tummy Time?

Tummy Time is one of baby's first exercises—and the most important!

Tummy Time is the period during the day your baby spends awake and on their stomach. It is a crucial exercise for baby's motor, visual, and sensory development.

Baby can begin Tummy Time as a newborn. They can continue to do Tummy Time throughout their first year.

Tummy Time: Know the Basics

Why does my baby need Tummy Time?

  • To develop the core muscles of the neck, back, and shoulder muscles
  • To meet developmental milestones
  • To possibly help prevent early motor delays and conditions, such as flat head syndrome (positional plagiocephaly) and twisted neck (positional torticollis).

When should my baby start Tummy Time?

As a newborn baby, as soon as they come home from the hospital.

How long should you do Tummy Time?

Aim to achieve at least an hour of Tummy Time total per day by 3 months of age. This hour of Tummy Time can be broken up into smaller parts. From newborn age, start with a few minutes at a time and build up to longer sessions.

How often should you do Tummy Time?

Start with small increments of a few minutes at a time, several times a day. Eventually, try to do longer Tummy Time sessions, eventually building up to a full hour.

At what age should baby stop Tummy Time?

Once baby begins crawling, around 7-9 months, they will be getting the developmental benefits of Tummy Time while moving, and it is not as essential to have them do Tummy Time. However, it is still beneficial to have baby spend some time in the Tummy Time position (also known as prone position) during play.


Always Remember: Back to Sleep, Tummy to Play!

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends baby always sleep on their back. That means spending time on their tummy while awake is crucial for development!

And remember: if baby falls asleep during Tummy Time, be sure to place them on their back and let them continue to sleep.

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Five Essential Tummy Time Moves

Try these different ways to do Tummy Time with baby!

Tummy-to-Tummy or Tummy-to-Chest

  • Lie down on the floor or a bed, flat or propped up on pillows. Place baby on your chest or tummy, so you and baby are face-to-face. Always hold firmly for safety.

Tummy Down Carry or Football Hold

  • Position one hand under the tummy and between the legs and carry baby tummy down. Use other hand to supp­­ort baby's head and neck. Nestle baby close to your body to help get baby accustomed to the position.

Lap Soothe

  • Place baby face down across your lap. A hand on baby's bottom will help steady and calm them. This move can also be used to burp and soothe baby.

Eye-Level Smile

  • Get down to baby's level to encourage eye contact. Baby loves to see your face!

Tummy Minute

  • Place your baby on their tummy for one or two minutes. Start a few minutes at a time and try to work up to an hour a day in shorter intervals by the end of three months. A great way to add this into baby's daily routine is doing it for a minute or two after every diaper change.

Want to be a Tummy Time expert? Take the course!

Your Guide to Tummy Time has everything expecting and new parents need to know about this crucial exercise, including Tummy Time options and activities.

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Check out what others are saying about the course:

"If someone's wants to be an expert in Tummy Time,'s tummy time expert course is an essential course that every parent should consider.

The introduction of tummy time, the importance, how it impacts the child's progression, how it helps prevent medical conditions, how to ensure a baby's engagement in tummy time and all the wonderful ways of implementing it were well explained and guided!

I'm totally in love with this course and would definitely recommend this course to anyone who might need it"

Tummy Time Abilities

What Tummy Time should look like each month

How do you know baby is making progress during Tummy Time? Check these abilities to ensure baby is continuing to develop.

At 2 weeks, baby is...

2 week old doing tummy time

  • Using Tummy-to-Tummy, Tummy Down Carry, and Lap Soothe positions
  • Working towards Tummy Time on the floor

Watch baby do Tummy Time at 2 weeks!

Expert Tummy Time tip: Many parents like Tummy to Tummy for their newborn. This allows you to be face-to-face with baby and enjoy lots of baby cuddles!

At 1 month, baby is...

Tummy Time with rolled towel

  • Turning head during Tummy Time
  • Attempting to lift head up – even if it's only for a second

Watch baby do Tummy Time at 1 month!

Expert Tummy Time tip: Get down on the floor at baby's eye level. Baby loves your face and voice!

At 2 months baby is...

Tummy Time with Head at 45 Degrees

  • Spending at least one minute in Tummy Time several times a day without becoming upset
  • Doing the majority of Tummy Time exercises on the floor
  • Possibly tilting their head to one side
    • Watch to make sure they alternate tilting to both directions instead of always favoring one side, which may be a possible sign of positional torticollis

Watch baby do Tummy Time at 2 months!

Expert Tummy Time tip: Face baby different directions in their crib each night to help develop neck muscles by turning a different direction to look at you each morning.

At 3 months, baby is...

Tummy Time with Toy

  • Beginning to put weight on arms, with elbows behind their shoulders at a 45 degree angle
  • Gaining head control and is able to lift head between 45 to 90 degrees, without tilting head to either side
  • Spending a total of 1 hour each day in Tummy Time
  • Starting to visually track toys or rattles you move around during Tummy Time

Watch baby do Tummy Time at 3 months!

Expert Tummy Time tip: Place baby tummy down on an exercise ball, holding their sides for support. Slowly move the ball toward and away from you, allowing baby to lift and hold their head more easily.

At 4 months, baby is...

baby on forearms during Tummy Time

  • Lifting head up 90 degrees and keeping their head centered
  • Pushing up on forearms and brings chest off floor. Elbows will be under their shoulders at a 90 degree angle or in front of shoulders.
  • Lifting head and moving neck to track toys, voices, and faces during Tummy Time

Watch baby do Tummy Time at 4 months!

Expert Tummy Time tip: Babies love faces—even their own! Use mirrors during Tummy Time to help keep them engaged and having fun.

At 5 months, baby is...

  • Beginning to push up on hands with straight elbows
  • Starting to move hands forward to reach for toys that are placed nearby

Watch baby do Tummy Time at 5 months!

Expert Tummy Time tip: Do baby push-ups. Place hands under baby's chest and tummy, and use gentle lifting cues to get baby to push up on hands for brief periods.

At 6+ months, baby is...

Tummy Time with Straight Elbows

  • Self-directing Tummy Time
  • Reaching and grabbing toys of different sizes while on tummy
  • Able to pivot in a circle while on stomach
  • Rolling from back to tummy and tummy to back
  • Starting to prefer being on their stomach. Being on their tummy allows them to play, move, and explore more easily.

Watch baby do Tummy Time at 6 months!

Expert Tummy Time tip: Encourage baby to practice rolling and moving while on their tummy. Use toys to keep them motivated!

How Tummy Time Helps Baby's Development

Tummy Time helps baby's motor and sensory development

Tummy Time is crucial for healthy motor, sensory and visual development.


  • Strengthens baby's back, neck, shoulders, and core muscles.
  • Build a foundation for baby to meet motor milestones including rolling, sitting, crawling, and more.


  • Feeling different textures (blankets, carpet, etc.) on their arms, hands, and cheeks can help baby's sense of touch (tactile sense).
  • As baby moves and their weight shifts, they gain a sense of body awareness (proprioception).
  • Positioning baby differently helps develop their movement and balance (vestibular sense).


  • Helps develop hand-eye coordination. By looking down at their hands, baby is seeing how they move and what they can do.

Did you know?

You can use time on the floor to play as an alternative to baby being in a carrier or bouncy seat.

In addition to having proven developmental benefits, Tummy Time can help prevent two conditions: positional plagiocephaly and positional torticollis.

Positional plagiocephaly is the development of flat spots on the back and side of the head, which can lead to asymmetries of the head and face.

Positional torticollis is the stiffening of neck muscles, causing baby's head to tilt to one side.

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Tummy Time Tips for Success

If baby isn't enjoying Tummy Time, try some of these ideas!

If baby has different people caring for them...


Make sure all caregivers know Tummy Time is a normal part of baby's daily routine

If baby resists Tummy Time...


Do a couple minutes of Tummy Time after every diaper change or after every bath so baby starts to expect it


Avoid Tummy Time immediately after feeding

If baby cries during Tummy Time…


Try doing Tummy Time exercises when baby is most happy


Make Tummy Time fun time

  • Sing songs during Tummy Time to calm and soothe baby
  • Use rattles, toys, and mirrors to encourage visual tracking
  • Get down on the floor at baby's eye level. Baby loves your face!

If baby falls asleep during Tummy Time…


Place them on their back—do not let them sleep on their tummy

Remember: Every bit of Tummy Time makes a difference!

Don't get discouraged. If you have done plenty of Tummy Time with baby, but are concerned they are not meeting their milestones, bring your concerns to baby's pediatrician or healthcare provider.

Learn More About Early Detection and Intervention

Tummy Time Activities

How to Put Baby on Tummy for Tummy Time


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