Review: Mercenaries 2: World in Flames


I used to say the only game I e'er needed (had I to choose only one) would be Mercenaries. Information technology's not Tom Clancy. It's not approximately imagining you're really there. IT's about tearing through Democratic People's Republic of Korea in a tank, blowing up statues of Kim Jong Il. It's stress relief in digital form. My biggest problem with the spirited was that it was originally released for the germinal Xbox, and it took Microsoft's compatibility engineers forever to work out the kinks getting it onto the Xbox 360, and even afterward it calm didn't play right. Now the sequel has arrived, and my new "the only game I ever need" is Mercenaries 2.

If Mercenaries is like GTA, only with air strikes, then Mercenaries 2 is like Mercenaries, but perfected. The artwork – as should represent expected with the jump from last gen to this gen – are phenomenal, the load multiplication are shriveled, the missions are more varied, the vehicles are to a greater extent gripping, there are Thomas More of them and you can buy up them Oklahoman, and the weapons are more intuitive and much gratifyingly volatile.

The sequel takes place in Veneuzuela, where, apparently, whatever kind of coup has taken place and the newly unfriendly locals are trying to run out the Texan oil men, who are belligerent back, while at the same time fending off insurgent attacks by the local rebels, who also hatred the local nationals. Rounding error out the sextet are the Rastafarian pirates, the Chinese army and the United Nations analog. But, as with the original, it doesn't really matter who hates who, operating theater what they every really want. All that matters is that they have money to pay you for blowing stuff up. As Swedish mercenary Mattias says, "It's better to get paid for what you would do anyway." Absolutely goddamn right.

To bribe weapons to tout stuff up, you need money, and you make money by doing missions. You can as wel find it lying around on the ground, then there's no literal conjuring trick there. You also motive fuel to mesh your aircraft when you call back airstrikes or say new equipment. But that, too, you behind find untruthful around. All you take up to do is bargain information technology. It's as if the Mercenaries crew liked the idea of a imagination-based scheme halt, but got bored with the details. Which suits me just fine, because I have that exact same chemical reaction.

To move on in the game, you do missions for the various factions, but since for each one camarilla is at war with at least one of the others, it's unfeasible to gain in the game without pissing somebody off, which, if the game were an RTS, would inclose a speed bump, but flush this yap has been avoided. If a sect gets too angry with you, you can just pay them forth.

But none of this is untried; it's entirely been carried all over form the original, just svelte to a side by side-gen sheen. Beautiful much everything I disliked about the original (and there wasn't much) has been updated for the better. It's as if Pandemic knew it had a hit formula, it just treasured to update it. Mission accomplished. In fact, the only thing I don't like roughly the game is something new.


One of the gimmicks of the original was that you could steal all vehicle in the game. If you could see it, you could hijack it, you just had to start close enough. Ironically, in a game that reveled in making spouting around a war-torn country carrying enough firepower to level entire city blocks look easy, mortal thought the vehicle stealing mechanic was too undemanding. If I ever run into that person, I intend to slap him.

In the subsequence, thanks to Mr. Soon-to-beryllium-slapped, you commode still steal any vehicle you lavatory see, but now you have jump through a Quick Time Consequence button-mashing hoop premier. Somewhere inside the corporate bowels of EA, mortal is sitting with their feet up happening their bright desk, smiling at themselves over their clever attempt to plant their fatty thumbprint on an other than perfect plot. Congratulations, hero. You helped design a game. Nowadays get ahead back in the Hour section where you belong.

Aside from that minor, nonsensical annoyance, in that respect's a band to get laid about Mercenaries 2, but early and firstly, you have to look up to its simplicity. It's a game about blowing stuff up. Period. You don't need to know why there are State pirates in Republic of Venezuela. You Don't. All you need to know is they overcome helicopters, and their boats are painted bright sensational.

You Don't have to pass a good deal of clock figuring out the primo route of attack through the buildings mastered to the beach where the enemy soldiers are concealing outgoing. Just drive a army tank through the buildings and track down them over. Or call down an air strike to drop the entire block. Or hook around with an RPG and ignite the nearby oil tank to achieve the identical effect. Or hover disk overhead in a helicopter … IT doesn't matter.

Fanny Line: In a game where everything is destructible and you can buy practically some weapon you can imagine, finished to and including the venerable "Daisy Cutter" bomb, and the money to buy up those weapons is literally lying around in piles, complete you need to know is nonpareil thing "where they are." That's right, Vasquez. Some time, anywhere. Completely that's missing is an option to nuke the site from orbit, only there are a few shops I haven't unlocked all the same, thus information technology may withal be there.

Recommendation: If you like to nominate things extend to "boom" and a don't find a dearth of talky-talky obnoxious, you could do worse than buy this game. The original lived in my Xbox until I bought a 360, and I kept the Xbox aquiline up long afterward just to play this game. So far, I haven't seen any reason to believe the sequel won't have the said long shelf life.

This review is supported the Xbox 360 edition of the gamy.

Russ Pitts has been waiting his intact life to use the line "I'm here to kick tail and chew bubblegum." But, as yet, the moment has not come.


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